Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Without them, we would not be as successful or have as much fun planning and executing all our activities. Niawen’kó:wa…you can’t imagine how much you are appreciated!

We would love to have you join our volunteer team. If you are interested, please call 450-633-0276 or email us at katerifoundation@kmhc.ca
You can also print our Volunteer registration form

Thanks to RBA Foundation for sponsoring the KMF Volunteerism Initiative.

RBA logo

Winter Wonderland 2022

Breeze Montour

Trina Moses

Missy Montour

Lisa Peterson

Helen Montour

Madelyn Cross

Tami Jo Rice

Cynthia Jacobs

Lori Beauchamp

Dale Jacobs

Joely Van Dommelen

Pinky White

Craig Sky

Erica Mccomber

Charleen Shurman

Janice Beauvais

Amber Rice

Nelva Diabo

Wanita White

Cheryl Diabo

Lee Scott

Terry K. Mccomber

Rosanne Norton

Vicky Diabo

Kathy Skye

Lisa Skye

Jodie Skye

Kanorarihtha Albany

Kahsennati Albany

Taionthahine Nicholas

Wahsontanoron Nicholas

Kyryn Beauvais

Poochie Beauvais

Tobi Diabo

Karen Jacobs

Hazel Mayo

Paggy Mayo Standup

Karen Barnaby

Layne Mayo

Sandra Shurman

Laurie Montour

Carlie Splicer

Kahs Sky Deer

Audra Rice

Kanenrake Stacey

Gina Delaronde

Sue Ireland

Arlene Delaronde

Caroline Taylor

Trudy Jacobs

Cathy Stacey

Akwiratekha Martin

Kahienes Skye

Catherine White

Kwetiio Peterson

Hollis Mayo

Trina Diabo

Cheryl Lahache Homer

Kawennitake Deer

Hope Stacey

Brooke Splicer

Angie Lawrence

Kawennahonte Stacey

Joyce Rice

Gail Taylor

Winnie Taylor

Lori Taylor

Cal Goodleaf

Robin Skye

Jimmy Nicholas

Sarah Phillips

Addy Poulette

Tharakwisere Stacey

Marie Lahache

Brendan Montour

Melissa Jean Deer

Georgina Bush

Carrie Horn

Melanie Morrison

Dara Bordeau

Emily Stacey

Trish Norton

Joann Patton

Suzanne Lahache

Carla Skye


Winter Wonderland 2017

Angie Lawrence
Arlene Delaronde
Asel Dinara
Breeze Montour Daye
Brogen McComber
Candace Snook
Caira Nicholas
Carla Skye
Cynthia Jacobs
David McComber
David Rice
Donja Phillips
Emily Stacey
Fallyn McComber
Hollis Mayo
Isabelle Nicholas
Jodie Skye
Joely Van Dommelen
Johnna Montour
Jordan Stacey
Kahsen:nati Albany
Kanoraritha Albany
Karis Brown
Kathy Skye
Kaylin Montour
Kelly Goodleaf & daughters
Ken Montour
Kyryn Beauvais
Lisa Skye
Mary Goodleaf
Meadow Lazare
Missy Montour
Natalie Beauvais
Ohonsakethe Montour
Poochie Beauvais
Robin Sky
Sarah Delisle
Sheila Lazare
Sonia Nicholas
Takahawahkwen Rice
Vicky Diabo
Wahsontanoron Nicholas

SPRING CRAFT FAIR: April 2, 2017

  1. Mackenzie Whyte
  2. Karis Brown
  3. Kahnekanoron Canadien
  4. Kieran Brown
  5. Kathy Kirby
  6. Kobey Lahache
  7. Meadow Lahache
  8. Belle Phillips
  9. Kathleen Gilbert
  10. Vicky Diabo
  11. Donna McComber
  12. Amy Guyer
  13. Lynda Delisle
  14. Otiokwanoron Montour
  15. Angelina Monyour
  16. Nick Styres
  17. Angel Robertson
  18. Kye Robertson


  1. Vicky Diabo
  2. Kawisaiehne Horn

BLOOD DRIVE: May 18, 2017

  1. Lynda Delisle
  2. Donna McComber
  3. Caitlin Phillips
  4. Kathleen Gilbert
  5. Samantha Gilbert
  6. Donald Gilbert
  7. Lanny Lazare
  8. Mary Goodleaf
  9. Connie McArdle
  10. Dawn Lazare
  11. Hope Stacey
  12. Iakaonhawinon Mayo
  13. Casey Goodleaf
  14. Mary Goodleaf
  15. Kim Delormier

GOLF: June 19, 2017

  1. Audrey Jacobs
  2. Cynthia Jacobs
  3. Audra Ross
  4. Natasha Rooplal
  5. Diio Gilbert
  6. David McComber
  7. Watio Martinez
  8. Marvin Delormier
  9. Frank Phillips
  10. Belle Phillips
  11. Natalie Beauvais
  12. Arlene Delaronde
  13. Layne Myiow
  14. Connie Jacobs
  15. Sonny Diabo
  16. Lynda Delisle
  17. Hope Stacey
  18. Dawn Lazare
  19. Donna McComber
  20. Angelika Delormier
  21. Megan
  22. Journey Jacobs
  23. Fallyn McComber
  24. Brogen MComber
  25. Kobey Lahache
  26. Asel Abdina
  27. Tricia Laborgne
  28. Mary Goodleaf
  29. Lisa Montour
  30. Carolyn Jacobs
  31. Joely Van Dommelen
  32. Rosemary Lahache
  33. Lulu Rice
  34. Leah Horn
  35. NAIG athletes & parents

Volunteers 2016

Volunteers 2015

Volunteers 2014